North Lakes Marriage Counselling


Couples Counselling Marriage Separation Co-parenting Counselling Brisbane North Lakes

Linda Kelly

Relationship Coach, Counsellor, Educator

Marriage Counselling Couples Counselling North Lakes Linda Kelly

Couples Counselling

Women’s Counselling on relationships Brisbane North Lakes Linda Kelly

Individual Counselling

Separation Co-parenting Counselling Brisbane North Lakes Linda Kelly

Separation and
Co-parenting Counselling

Couples Counselling Marriage Separation Counselling Brisbane North Lakes

Whether you’re in a relationship that needs nurturing or in an existing relationship and need clarification or you’re single seeking to attract a quality partner, or you need support through separation and co-parenting, you’ve reached a point where you want to have harmony in meaningful relationships. 

I work with couples who care for their relationship and want to nurture their connection with each other to create a secure and loving relationship.

I work with individuals in an existing relationship who seek clarification within their relationship so as to make healthier choices.

I work with couples in stages of separation, co-parenting or divorce who seek support and guidance as they navigate through significant changes in their lives and within their families.

I work with single individuals who want to heal from past relationship experiences, to feeling more confident in attracting a suitable partner who also wants to be in a committed and fulfilling relationship.

Couples Counselling Marriage Separation Counselling Brisbane North Lakes

Linda Kelly Couples Counselling North Brisbane

How I help

Couples Counselling Marriage Separation Counselling Brisbane North Lakes

Marriage Counselling Couples Counselling North Lakes Linda Kelly

My offering is to help Couples, Individuals and Co-Parents have meaningful relationships from a foundation of compassion and presence.

Marriage Counselling Couples Counselling Brisbane North Lakes Linda Kelly

Marriage Counsellor Brisbane Linda Kelly

Couples Counselling

Relationship Counselling Couples Counselling Separation Co-parenting

Although couples will love each other deeply, they will still feel the pressures of daily stresses around their family, work and personal commitments.  They may loose their closeness to each other but know they need support to help them reconnect emotionally and intimately.

I help couples reconnect through understanding each other more. To learn healthier ways of expressing their needs, better handle conflict and have those confronting difficult conversations. To explore the barriers that keep them distant and rebuild their sense of togetherness again. 

FIFO Counselling North Lakes Online Linda Kelly Brisbane

Couples Counselling Linda Kelly North Lakes

Separation Co Parenting Counselling Brisbane North Lakes Linda Kelly 

Individual Counselling

Separation Co Parenting Counselling Brisbane North Lakes

For those who want to develop an understanding of their own patterns in relationships so they can make better choices that align with their values.

To gain awareness of their sense of self to help create a solid foundation within, where they can create fulflling and loving relationships.

Separation Co Parenting Counselling Brisbane North Lakes

Individual Counselling Linda Kelly North Lakes

Separation and
Co-parenting Counselling

Relationship Counselling Couples Counselling Separation Co-parenting

More many, going through separation or a divorce, it can be the most challenging times they in their life.
To learn new ways of connecting and communicating with each other as they have towards a different type of normal. Whether you are making a choice as a couple and/or as parents to separate from a long-term relationship, or in the process of a divorce, you may feel overwhelmed with intense emotions, thoughts and feelings during this time. Creating a Co-Parenting Plan is a solid and effective way to help co-parents move forward and create harmony with their family.

FIFO Counselling North Lakes Online Linda Kelly Brisbane

Couples Counselling Linda Kelly North Lakes

Couples Counselling North Lakes Linda Kelly

About Linda

I am a counsellor, coach and educator in the areas of relationships. 
I believe acceptance, safety and security is of the utmost importance at the core of any relationship. This is where we can evolve and flourish in a supportive and nurturing connection. This essence ripples beyond our relationships and into our everyday life, into our family and friends circles, work, communities and the world.
Linda Kelly Couples Counsellor Brisbane Northlakes




  • Focus on what you can change 
  • Heal from the grief and pain from the end of a relationship or marriage
  • Explore your deepest needs in a relationship 
  • Develop healthy boundaries before beginning new relationships

What clients have to say

Couplese Counsellor Linda Kelly North Lakes

Couples Counselling Brisbane Linda Kelly

"The quality of your life ultimately depends on the quality of your relationships"
Esther Perel

Couples Counselling Brisbane Linda Kelly

Book an Appointment


Deception Bay Studio

‘North Ridge Estate’

Off Boundary Road

Address provided  at time of booking.

Zoom Online:

Time Zone: AEST

Australian Eastern Standard Time

